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Past Performance Questionnaire (PPQ)

4 min read

Please follow the instructions (in the Welcome Package) on the “PPQinstructions.docx” Included in the Welcome Package

From the GSA website (link):

  • Past Performance Questionnaire [PDF – 138 KB] – To be completed by customer references when utilizing relevant customer references and completed past performance questionnaires to demonstrate past performance. (see SCP-FSS-001 paragraph (j)(2)(ii)(C).
    • Note: A customer reference may use a format of their own choosing, but must address all of the evaluation areas outlined in the Past Performance Questionnaire. Completed questionnaires must be uploaded with your offer in the eOffer system.
    • Note: If a customer reference will only provide a completed PPQ directly to a Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO), offerors can upload a letter in place of a completed questionnaire which states they have requested a PPQ from a customer who will only forward a completed PPQ directly to the MAS PCO.

From the GSA Solicitation:

Applicable to both product and service offers. Factor Two – Past Performance*: Past performance information is one indicator of an offeror’s ability to perform the contract successfully. Offerors must demonstrate a pattern of past performance in accordance with the instructions below.
(A) Offerors with three (3) or more contractor performance assessment reports available in the federal Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) must verify in eOffer that they have three (3) or more assessment reports available in CPARS that represent:
(1) contracts or orders completed within three (3) years of the date of offer submission;
(2) at least three (3) distinct orders and/or contracts; and
(3) work similar in scope to products/services included in this solicitation.
The offeror must address any negative feedback in the contractor performance assessment reports not previously documented in the CPARS report. Offerors may access CPARS to view previously
completed evaluations.
If unable to meet these criteria, the offeror must
submit a list of relevant customer references and
completed Past Performance Questionnaires (PPQ)
in accordance with paragraph (B) below.
(B) Offerors that do not have any CPARS reports
that meet the criteria in paragraph (A) must upload a
list of three (3) relevant customer references and
three (3) completed Past Performance
Questionnaires (PPQ) to eOffer. Offerors with fewer
than three (3) CPARS reports that meet the criteria
in paragraph (A) must supplement those reports
with additional relevant customer references and
completed PPQs. The offeror must submit a total of
three (3) past performance references from three (3)
distinct orders and/or contracts. For example:

Relevant customer references are defined as customers for whom the offeror has performed work similar in scope to products/services included in this solicitation. Relevant customer references must be associated with three (3) distinct orders and/or contracts and the work referenced must have been completed within three (3) years of the date of offer submission. For each reference listed, the offeror must identify the following:
(1) Customer name;
(2) Customer point of contact (including
name, phone, and email address);
(3) Brief description of work performed and the offeror’s
(4) Dollar value of project; and (5) Period of performance.
If the offeror does not have three (3) relevant customer references from three (3) distinct orders and/or contracts, the offeror may substitute
Offerors with one CPARS report that meets the criteria in paragraph (A) must submit two (2) additional customer references/completed PPQs.
Offerors with two CPARS reports that meet the criteria in paragraph (A) must submit one (1) additional customer reference/completed PPQ.
Offerors with no CPARS reports that meet the criteria in paragraph (A) must submit three (3) customer references/completed PPQs.

customer references for relevant work performed by predecessor companies or key personnel.
The Past Performance Questionnaires must be completed in their entirety by the offeror’s relevant customer references prior to proposal submission. If a customer reference will only complete a PPQ at the request of an FSS Contracting Officer (CO), the offeror can upload a letter instead of a completed PPQ which states the relevant customer reference will provide a completed PPQ when requested by the FSS CO. If the offeror fails to upload either the completed Past Performance Questionnaires or the aforementioned letter with its proposal in eOffer, the proposal may be rejected.
A relevant customer reference must either complete the Past Performance Questionnaire template published on the MAS Roadmap Site or address all of the evaluation areas outlined in the template in a format of their own choosing. Offerors are advised that GSA may contact a customer reference to discuss information provided by a customer reference in a Past Performance Questionnaire. *The requirement to provide Past Performance Information does not apply to contractors that have an active FSS program contract under this Schedule and meet the criteria for submitting a streamlined offer, see (e) 1-3.

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