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GSA Contract Cancellation

1 min read

The GSA has been on a GSA Contract Cancellation frenzy in cases where the Contractor has failed to meet the Minimum Sales Requirement.

Have you recently received a GSA cancellation email? GSA Focus has developed an airtight template that we can adapt to your specific situation. If you need help preventing GSA Contract Cancellation, just Schedule an Appointment and we will get the process started.

These letters are going out in droves, and are sending many Contractors into panic mode. Do not panic, we have saved many from GSA Contract Cancellation already, and can very likely save yours. It is up to your GSA Contracting Officer to make the final decision, but we have saved every GSA Contract we have set out to save this year. Here is how we did it

Save your GSA Contract with a compelling letter

  1. You have been making a good effort to get GSA sales
  2. You have federal sales, they are just not using GSA
  3. List of recent GSA proposals (give RFQ number from E-Buy if available)
  4. List any pending GSA Awards
  5. You are going to make a better effort in GSA Business Development, and outline the bullet points of the Marketing Plan
  6. A stake holder has been assigned and will be held accountable

GSA Focus has developed an airtight template that we can adapt to your situation. If you need help saving you from GSA Contract Cancellation, just Schedule an Appointment and we will get the process started.

Save your GSA Contract with a Federal Marketing help #

Get help if you need it! GSA Focus has partnered with some great firms that are both affordable and great at what they do. You worked very hard to get your GSA Contract, but if it is up for cancellation then this is a wake-up call that your are not reaching your potential.

The GSA may allow you to keep your GSA Contract this time around, but if you go another year or two with no sales, it is very likely that they will not. So, take this as a new lease on life and put the focus you need to on developing your Federal Marketing Plan and implementing it.

The History of GSA Contract Cancellation #

The GSA doesn’t want to cancel everyone’s Contract, they are not being evil. Especially because the majority of the GSA Contract Cancellation letters went out to Small Businesses. This is just a response to an internal study that showed that the average GSA Contract costs the government around $10k to upkeep.

The GSA uses resources to keep your Contract in place, and this is what is motivating the wave of GSA Contract Cancellations. Realize that there are tens of thousands of GSA Contracts, and a good number to not get used. So, the GSA is just trying to allocate their precious few resources to the Contracts that produce. It reduces waste and is a smart business decision.

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