The GSA Program delvers High-Value, Low-Competition Bids for 20 Years.

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GSA Minimum Sales Requirement

< 1 min read

Your GSA contract could be at risk if you don’t hit certain sales marks.

The GSA gives you two years to meet the minimum sales requirement of $25,000, then you must meet this mark every year after that.

Your contract will not be automatically canceled if you fail to meet us. The GSA will send you an automated message giving a warning, you will then have to respond and request an extension. If you have been putting forth a reasonable effort, then most GSA contract specialist will grant you an extra six months to meet the minimum sales requirement.

It is always really good to have proof that you have been trying to get GSA sales. This can look like several things:

  1. Responding to RFQs on eBuy
  2. Keeping your products and pricing fresh

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