The GSA Program delvers High-Value, Low-Competition Bids for 20 Years.

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How GSA Buyers Order

< 1 min read

There are 3 ways Agency Buyers can order from you (with both products or services).

  1. GSA eBuy – This online system is where government buyers post Request for Quotes (RFQs). GSA Contractors receive emails with these opportunities, when they relate to their category. Contractors can then respond by uploading a proposal into the GSA eBuy system for the buyers consideration.
  2. GSA Advantage – This online system is a large e-commerce site for GSA Contractors to list their approved products. Agency Buyers purchase directly through the system. Contractors receive a PO from the system when they receive an order. GSA Advantage is also a Search Engine for buyers to research service providers
  3. Outside of a GSA system – Whether it is through or a direct purchase, buyers can purchase off of a GSA Contract outside of a GSA online system. They typically will do this by issuing their own Agency PO, and citing the GSA Number.

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