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The GSA’s CAV Visit: What Contractors Need to Know to Stay Compliant

3 min read

GSA AuditOur goal is to help you understand the importance of a GSA Audit (AKA: CAV) and the criteria GSA uses to evaluate your compliance. By being prepared for a CAV, you’ll be better positioned to maintain your GSA contract and continue doing business with the federal government. One of the key ways the GSA ensures compliance is through the GSA audit, or Contractor Assistance Visits (CAVs), conducted every five years as a “light audit” of your company. As a government contractor, adhering to the General Services Administration’s (GSA) compliance guidelines is crucial to your success. What to Expect with a GSA Audit

  1. A GSA CAV Visit is a light audit conducted Once or Twice every two years. Your regional GSA Analyst will reach out for the GSA CAV Visit. 
  2. They will ask for a number of documents and reports
    • Original Award Document (SF1449)
    • Most recent mod approval document (SF30)
    • Current GSA Price List
    • Current Commercial Price List
    • A report of your GSA Sales for the past 12 months
    • A report of your Commercial Sales for the past 12 months
  3. They will then ask for invoices, proposals etc. for a sampling of the sales.
  4. They will review the documents for issues with compliance, and then schedule a call to go over everything with you.

Overall, the process is not very painful, and the risk is pretty light unless you have some glaring compliance issues. In the end you will receive a Scorecard that grades you on how well you keep your GSA Contract compliant – HERE is the format for that so you know what they are looking for.

Categories of the GSA Audit – Compliance Assessment #

During the GSA CAV audit, GSA will evaluate your company’s compliance based on two categories:

  • Critical Compliance Items: Failure to meet any one of these items will result in a rating of “Serious Concerns Exist.”
  • General Compliance Items: These items are important but may not result in an immediate negative rating if not met.

GSA Audit – CAV Critical Compliance Items: #

GSA will assess your compliance on the following critical aspects:

  • Did the contractor demonstrate compliance with the scope of their awarded SINs?
  • Did the contractor identify non-contract products/services to their GSA contract customers?
  • Did the contractor demonstrate compliance with the Trade Agreement Act?
  • Is the contractor up-to-date on GSA Advantage!®?
  • Does the contractor have a system in place that substantially identifies, tracks, and reports GSA sales accurately and completely?
  • Is the contractor meeting or exceeding the minimum contract sales requirement in accordance with the Contract Sales Criteria clause?
  • Does the contractor have a system in place to monitor the ‘Basis of Award’ customer discount relationship?
  • Did the contractor charge customers the contract price or lower?
  • Has the contractor notified GSA to initiate requirements for change of name and/or novation?
  • If a Commercial or Individual Subcontracting Plan is required, did the contractor meet the goals specified in the plan or is the contractor progressing toward meeting the goals specified in the plan?

GSA Audit – CAV General Compliance Items #

The following general compliance items are also evaluated during a GSA Audit:

  • Since the issuance of the most recent Report Card but no more than 36 months back, are the Contractor’s Reports of Sales on time?
  • Since the issuance of the most recent Report Card but no more than 36 months back, has the contractor remitted their Industrial Funding Fee on time?
  • Is the Contractor’s authorized pricelist current with contract requirements?
  • Was the contractor able to demonstrate timely delivery?
  • Is the contractor identifying items on GSA Advantage!® that have environmental attributes?
  • Is the contractor capable of accepting the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase card?
  • Is the Contractor’s records location and administrative representative information correct? (e.g., address, phone, fax, email, etc.)
  • If there are participating dealers, are the dealers listed and current in the contract pricelist and GSA Advantage!®?
  • If the contract includes prompt payment discounts, are the prompt payment terms shown on the invoices?

Conclusion #

Preparing for a GSA Audit / CAV is essential for maintaining your contract and ensuring your company’s success with federal government clients. By understanding and addressing the critical and general compliance items outlined above, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the CAV process and demonstrate your commitment to compliance. Should you require assistance or have questions about preparing for a CAV, our GSA Contract Consulting services are here to help you every step of the way.


We are here to act as a “filter” for your documents. When the GSA request’s items, we can take a look to make sure there are no compliance issues that the GSA will surface. Also, general advisory services from GSA Focus can make this process much smoother. Talk to a GSA Specialist >>


GSA CAV Visit Guide

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