The GSA Program delvers High-Value, Low-Competition Bids for 20 Years.


GSA Focus, Inc. is dedicated to having the most helpful and complete website on all topics related to GSA Contracts. We will often add to this list of White Papers, so please check back often.

Everything you need to know about GSA Contracts(Free E-Book)  – This free resource covers the major topics of acquiring and maintaining a GSA Contract. If you are new to the process, this will guide you well.

2012 GSA Sales Infographics for each Schedule (2013) – Our 2012 round of Infographics show the 2012 GSA sales data in a graphic format. Information displayed includes GSA Sales history graph, Top SIN’s, Top Contractors in the GSA Schedule, and much more.

Federal Marketing Template (2013) – We have created a free resource for everyone: Federal Marketing Plan Template. This is a must have for any company under-performing in the federal market, designed to reveal some of the reasons your government sales are not where they should be.

The GSA Contract Acquisition Process (2012) – In this White Paper, you will find a flow chart of the way GSA Focus, Inc. works to acquire your GSA Contract.

How to Quote After You Get a GSA Contract (2012) – After your GSA Contract is awarded,  it could get a little confusing how you should offer your prices to federal, commercial, and other customers. This tool is meant to explain the Price Reductions Clause in simple terms.


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About GSA Focus

We FOCUS on GSA Contract Services! This allows us to offer the best services at an affordable price. We make the GSA Schedule process easy for you!

Schedule a Free Consultation

If you qualify for a GSA Contract, or you have some questions, schedule a call to speak to a GSA expert to discuss the next steps.


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