The GSA Program delvers High-Value, Low-Competition Bids for 20 Years.

How to Get a GSA Contract Number

Benefits of Getting a GSA Contract

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Here are some of the competitive advantages to be gained by getting a GSA Contract Number for your company:

  1. You will gain recognition as a GSA Contract Holder, buyers know your company has been researched and approved as an elite supplier.
  2. Your Company will be more appealing to Federal Buyers, because their is less work on their part, and lower liability, to source to you.
  3. Your pricing will be pre-negotiated and justified, so buyers can skip this stage in placing an order.
  4. Your GSA Number will grant you access to GSA E-Buy, the exclusive bidding area for GSA Schedule Holders.
  5. Your Company and GSA Number will be listed in GSA Advantage and E-Library, where many buyers go to search out Contractors to request bids from and place product orders.

What is a GSA Number?

A GSA number is issued through the lengthy process of getting a GSA Contract. GSA Contract award usually takes between 6-8 months after the offer was submitted. When a professional GSA Consultant is used this is much quicker, and can take years without the use of a specialist. Once a GSA Number is issued, it is cited on government Purchase Orders and other acquisition documentation to signify that the purchase is taking place through a GSA Contract. The GSA recommends placing your GSA Number above any products or services offered in a Proposal, and on invoices that have utilized your GSA Contract.

How to Get a GSA Contract Number (5 Steps)

Two Free Ebooks: (1) Learn how to get a GSA Contract, and properly maintain it (2) Learn the secrets to Federal Marketing Success. It takes years to build the insider perspective that these E-Books offer. Download them both now for free!

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About GSA Focus

We FOCUS on GSA Contract Services! This allows us to offer the best services at an affordable price. We make the GSA Schedule process easy for you!

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If you qualify for a GSA Contract, or you have some questions, schedule a call to speak to a GSA expert to discuss the next steps.


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