The GSA Program delvers High-Value, Low-Competition Bids for 20 Years.

Sell your Solutions on an Information Technology /
IT GSA Contract (Schedule 70)

Table of Contents

$15 Billion

GSA Sales in 2018, IT Schedule



$3.1 million

Average Sales per Contractor

About the IT Category of MAS (GSA Schedule 70)

What is GSA Schedule 70?

The Information Technology category of the MAS (GSA Schedule) Program offers IT Services, Hardware, Software, and a variety of specialty IT offerings. Previously known as IT Schedule 70, this is one of the largest government contracts. For decades, The GSA’s IT Schedule 70 has been the largest moneymaker for the GSA. Consistently, Schedule 70 accounts for about half of the sales going through the GSA Contract program (all 33 GSA Schedules). IT Schedule 70 is a Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contract under the GSA Schedule Program. The type of contract is called an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ), which means that there are no orders or dollars attached to the award, but it is rather a channel for sales to flow through (i.e. a License to hunt). It is the major procurement vehicle for IT products, software and Professional Services.

About GSA Focus

We FOCUS on GSA Contract Services! This allows us to offer the best services at an affordable price. We make the GSA Schedule process easy for you!

Schedule a Free Consultation

If you qualify for a GSA Contract, or you have some questions, schedule a call to speak to a GSA expert to discuss the next steps.

Why get a GSA Schedule 70 Contract?

Contractors that sell IT products, software, and Professional Services, may want to consider pursuing the GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract to grow or develop their Federal Business prospects. GSA Schedule 70 is the largest within the GSA Schedules Program both by sales and the competition. The average amount of revenue of a GSA Schedule 70 Contractor is about $3.1 million per year.

Primarily, the Schedule 70 Contract is used to sell to federal buyers. However, State, Municipal and Local government agencies can purchase through the Cooperative Purchasing and Disaster Recovery programs. That being said, the federal government mainly uses The GSA IT Schedule 70 as a major source for simplified IT purchases. Federal buyers enjoy the value that IT Schedule 70 purchases bring in saving time and money.

Top Schedule 70 Categories (SIN'S)

GSA Schedule 70 Has 4 basic categories of Special Item Numbers (SIN’s).

54151S: Professional IT Services

(Previously SIN 132-51)

Information Technology Professional Services includes resources and facilities management, database planning and design, systems analysis and design, network services, programming, conversion and implementation support, network services project management, data/records management, and other services. Sub-Categories for SIN 5415S include: Auto. Info. System Design & Integration, Automated News, Data and other Info. Services, CAD/CAM Services, Desktop Management, IT Backup and Security Services, IT Data Conversion Services, IT Facility Operation and Maintenance, IT Network Management Services, IT Systems Analysis Services, IT Systems Development Services, Information Assurance, Programming Services.

33411 & 33411REF: IT Hardware

(Previously SIN 's 132-8 & 132-9)

Purchase of New IT Equipment (33411) and Refurbished Equipment (33411REF) is available under Schedule 70. There are many categories of IT Products that federal buyers can purchase through these SINs: Boards, Cables, Desktop Computers, Digital Cameras, Display, Monitors, Drives/Storage Devices, Equipment for Physically Challenged, IT Support Equipment, Laptop/Portable/Notebook Computers, Large Scale/Mainframe Computers, Media, Memory, Microcomputer Control Devices, Modems, Graphic Related Equipment, MP3 Devices, Networking, Optical Imaging Systems, Optical Recognition I/O Devices, Other Communications Equipment, Other I/O and Storage Devices, PDAs, Power Protect, Printers, Professional Workstations, Projectors, Scanners, Servers, Speakers, Used Equipment, Video Cards, Web Cams, Airborne Radar Equipment, Broadcast Band Radio, Microwave Radio Equipment, Radio Navigation Equipment/Antennas, Radio Transmitters/Receivers, Airborne, Satellite Communications Equipment, Two-Way Radio, Telephone Equipment, Audio and Video Teleconferencing Equipment, Communications Security Equipment, Facsimile Equipment, Telephone Answering and Voice Messaging, Pagers and Public Address Systems, Misc. Communication Equipment.

511210 & 54151: Software and Maintenance

(Previously SIN 's 132-32, 132-33 & 132-34)

Term & Perpetual Software Licenses (SIN 511210) and Maintenance of Software as a Service (54151) make up the software SINs for Schedule 70. A large variety of Software applications are offered under these SINs, including: Operating system software, application software, EDI translation, and mapping software, enabled E-mail message based products, Internet software, database management programs, and other software. Software maintenance as a product includes the publishing of bug/defect fixes via patches and updates/upgrades in function and technology to maintain the operability and usability of the software product. It may also include other no charge support that is included in the purchase price of the product in the commercial marketplace. No charge support includes items such as user blogs, discussion forums, on-line help libraries and FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), hosted chat rooms, and limited telephone, email and/or web-based general technical support for users self-diagnostics. SubSIN categories include Ancillary Financial Systems Software, Application Software, Communications Software, Core Financial Management Software, Electronic Commerce (EC) Software, Large Scale Computers, Microcomputers, Operating System Software, Special Physical, Visual, Speech, and Hearing Aid Software. Provide specific information and Utility Software. Software maintenance as a product does NOT include the creation, design, implementation, integration, etc. of a software package.

54151HACS: Cybersecurity

Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS) - Includes a wide range of fields such as, the seven-step Risk Management Framework services, information assurance, virus detection, network management, situational awareness and incident response, secure web hosting, and backup, security services and,Security Operations Center (SOC) services. HACS vendors are cataloged under the 5 subcategories of High Value Asset Assessments; Risk and Vulnerability Assessments, Cyber Hunt, Incident Response, and Penetration Testing.

All other SIN categories

CYBER SINs (54151HACS) / Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS)
Penetration Testing is security testing in which assessors mimic real-world attacks to identify methods for circumventing the security features of an application, system, or network.

Incident Response services help organizations impacted by a Cybersecurity compromise determine the extent of the incident, remove the adversary from their systems, and restore their networks to a more secure state.

Cyber Hunt activities are responses to a crisis or urgent situations within the pertinent domain to mitigate immediate and potential threats.

Risk and Vulnerability Assessments (RVA) conduct assessments of threats and vulnerabilities, determine deviations from acceptable configurations, enterprise or local policy, assesses the level of risk, and develops and/or recommends appropriate mitigation countermeasures in operational and non-operational situations.

Cloud Computing Services (518210C) includes commercially available cloud computing services such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) and emerging cloud services.

Health Information Technology Services (54151HEAL) includes a wide range of Health IT services to include connected health, electronic health records, health information exchanges, health analytics, personal health information management, innovative Health IT solutions, health informatics, emerging Health IT research and other Health IT services.

Training Courses (611420) offers Information Technology training courses covering a multitude of training topics.

Electronic Commerce and Subscription Services (54151ECOM) includes value added network services, e-mail services, Internet access services, electronic subscription services, data transmission services, and emerging electronic commerce technologies.

Wireless Services (517312) includes, but is not limited to, Wireless Telecommunications Carriers and Telecommunication Resellers.

Earth Observation Solutions (541370GEO) provides geospatial earth observation technologies, products, and services.

Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation Tools (541519CDM) includes Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Approved Products List (APL) hardware and software products/tools and associated services.

COMSATCOM Services (517410) includes satellite services used in a multitude of applications.

Identity, Credential and Access Management (ICAM) (541519ICAM, 541519PKI, 541519PIV).



GSA Schedule 70 Spending Patterns

In case you are wondering the spending distribution in GSA Schedule 70, here is a chart and information to show you how much Federal spending went to each major Schedule 70 SIN in 2017:

Professional Services (SIN 132-51): $7 Billion (49.9%)
Software (SINs 132-32, 33, 34): $4.2 Billion (29.8%
Hardware (SINs 132-8, 9): $960.2 Million (6.8%)
All Other SINs: $1.9 Billion (13.5%)

GSA Schedule 70 Spending (2017)

GSA Schedule 70 Spending in 2017: Source: GSA Schedule Sales Query

More About The GSA Schedule 70

Buying IT from GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule is easy, because the work is done for you. We offer streamlined procurement options for a full scope of IT supplies and services:

• Negotiated contract ceiling prices

• Opportunities for discounts at the order level

• Single contracting vehicle to fulfill complex or ongoing needs and reduce overall contract awards and administration

• Less administrative time and contract documentation, since the master contract is managed by GSA

• Socioeconomic credit for orders awarded to small business and other socioeconomic categories


How to Get on GSA Schedule 70

Getting a GSA Schedule 70 contract is a very technical process. Each stage requires experience and careful thought in order to result in the best terms, conditions and discount structure being awarded to your Company.

GSA Contract Process

Stages to Get a GSA Contract

Here are the 4 stages:

  • Document Preparation – Preparing the GSA Offer, which is the group of around 30 documents arranged in the very specific way the GSA requires. Then the document package is uploaded and submitted to the GSA E-Offer system.
  • GSA Review and Clarifications – A GSA Contracting Specialist (or Officer) within the Schedule 70 department will be assigned to review your package. After their review, they will reach out with clarification questions or expanded document requirements.
  • Negotiations and Award – The discounts, terms and conditions are negotiated and then shortly after, the GSA Contract is awarded under Schedule 70.
  • Post Award – final preparations and upload into the GSA systems is the last step, and this will assure you are found by buyers, and your access to GSA eBuy is unlocked, so you can receive IT opportunities in Schedule 70. This is the stage where you sink or swim. Preparing a Federal Marketing Plan, pushing your Business Development efforts, and fine-tuning your Proposal Writing skills are all vital t the success of your company in the Federal Market.

Schedule 70 Purchasing Programs

Disaster Recovery Program


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