“Our revenue grew $26.8M in 4 years on the GSA Schedule Program” – Ted M.

GSA Government Contracts: 7 Effective Steps to Maintain and Renew It.

steps to maintain renew GSA - Government contracts

Obtaining a GSA Government Schedule contract is no walk in the park. But, holding one is like holding the key to a door that leads to a wealth of opportunities. After successfully having a GSA Government Schedule awarded, companies now ought to generate sales by marketing and finding government customers. On top of that, companies must also maintain and renew their GSA contracts for continuous, seamless transactions.

GSA Government Contract Maintenance Checklist

While it can be hard to juggle finding contracting opportunities and keeping track of contract compliance, finding the sweet spot to balance both tasks can be highly beneficial. The following is a comprehensive list for easy tracking of contract maintenance functions:

Accepting Mass Modifications

Mass Modifications deadlines and outcomes significantly. Thus, companies must regularly monitor and keep an eye out for the latest updates and accept them through the Mass Modification System as early as possible.

Updating Administrative Information

Throughout a GSA Government Schedule contract, it is not impossible that changes in administrative information, such as changes in Point of Contact, contact information, among others, may take place. In such instances, companies must have these changes updated through a contract modification to avoid unnecessary issues.

Updating Commercial Sales Practices

Like administrative information, companies must submit a formal contract modification every time they plan to update their commercial sales practices. These modifications are necessary when adding or deleting products or services, changing product or service descriptions, price hikes, or permanent price reductions.

Updating GSA Advantage! Catalog

Companies are required to update their GSA Advantage! catalog at least once every two years. However, companies should update their record as often as their products and services change.

Ability One Compliance

As GSA closed a partnership with Ability One, a program that employs people who are blind or with disabilities, companies must not offer products and services that are “essentially the same” as those offered in the Ability One program.

Price Reduction Clause Compliance

Another critical factor in maintaining contract compliance is carrying a price/discount relationship with the Most Favored Customer.

Contractor Assessments and End of Term Assessments

Companies must make sure to collate and organize necessary documentation before each Contractor Assessments or End of Term Assessments for a seamless evaluation.

E-Verifying Employees

Companies must also adhere to the federal government requirement of verifying all employees working on federal contracts through the E-verify website.

Cybersecurity Requirements

Companies, especially contractors for the Department of Defense, must keep abreast of any changes in cybersecurity regulations and must comply with minimum requirements.

Invoicing Requirements

Companies must also take it upon themselves to check on the latest invoicing requirements for most GSA Government Schedule contacts. To cover all the necessary information required by the GSA, companies can visit this site: Contract Clause 52.212-4 (Contract Terms and Conditions – Commercial Items).

Responding to Option Extensions

It is important to note that the extension of a GSA Government Schedule contract is not automatic. Thus, companies must expect to file multiple modifications as GSA will most likely evaluate and renegotiate their contracts.

Sales Reporting

Companies subject to Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) must submit a monthly sales report. On the other hand, non-TDR sales companies must report their sales at the end of the succeeding month after a quarter.

Subcontracting Reporting

Companies with small business subcontracting plans will have to submit a Summary Subcontracting Report (SSR) annually on October 30th. Moreover, companies with an individual plan must submit an SSR and an Individual Subcontracting Report (ISR) due April 30th and October 30th of each year.

Steps to GSA Government Contract Renewal

Securing a GSA Schedule contract is only a fraction of the job. Maintaining and keeping a GSA contract constitutes the rest of the task. A GSA contract gets awarded a 5-year base period and an additional three 5-year extension options as the contract nears the end of each period, called Option to Extend or Option to Renew, for a total of 20 years. After 20 years, companies have the choice to obtain another contract and continue with government contracting.

As established, a GSA Schedule contract renewal is not automatic. To facilitate a smooth renewal process, here are seven things to do:

Update Contact Information

As mentioned above, companies must update any changes in their administrative information, such as email, phone, business address, or organizational changes, through a Rapid Action Modification.

Submit Regular Modifications Early in that Final Year

Companies must have a GSA modification request submitted early if they intend to make any changes in terms of their commercial sales practices, such as price increases, permanent price decreases, product deletions, or additions, among other changes.

GSA does not prefer to entertain regular contract mods once they start the renewal process.

Update SAM.gov

Companies must also pay attention to checking NAICS codes, address information, and other necessary information and make timely updates at Sam.gov. That way, expired records do not end up causing issues for the renewal of the contract.

Update GSA Advantage!

After having any modifications approved, companies must make sure that such changes are updated and reflected into the GSA Advantage! Portal.

Check Subcontracting Plan

Large companies and non-profit organizations must update their subcontracting plan before the GSA can renew subcontracting options.

Make Sure All Mass Modifications Have Been Accepted

To check if all mass modifications have gotten accepted, companies may refer to the GSA Government Vendor Support Center portal. If companies missed any mass modification, it might be best to contact the vendor support center for a PIN.

Review Prior Report Cards

After every Contractor Assistance Visit or GSA Audit, companies must review the report card to check for any deficiencies. Most likely, the Contracting Officer will require companies to explain what actions they undertook to rectify and overcome certain shortcomings. Thus, reviewing prior report cards is very important.


Finding the perfect balance between finding contracting opportunities and keeping compliant with governing contracting regulations can be challenging but is not impossible. The tips and checklists above can guide companies in keeping track of their contract maintenance obligations. Even though getting a GSA contract is laborious, giving due importance to maintenance and renewal efforts can facilitate a seamless government contracting experience.


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