“Our revenue grew $26.8M in 4 years on the GSA Schedule Program” – Ted M.

How to Identify and Fix Issues in Your Federal Contracting Strategy

DALL·E 2024-06-04 12.59.58 - An image of a federal contractor in an office, focusing on a large bucket labeled 'Federal Contracting' with five visible leaks. The leaks are labeled

As you venture into the GSA market, encountering “downswings” is almost inevitable. These periods of underperformance can be disheartening, but understanding why they happen is crucial. Imagine your federal contracting performance as a bucket with five holes that need to be plugged to prevent the bucket from emptying.

The Five Common Issues in Federal Contracting

  1. Not Following RFQ Instructions
  2. Solutions Falling Short of Requirements
  3. Uncompetitive Pricing
  4. Lack of Trust from Buyers
  5. No Expert Guidance

If you don’t address these issues, your federal contracting efforts may suffer.

Identifying and Plugging the Holes

The biggest challenge for federal contractors is identifying which holes need plugging. When you’re focused on filling the bucket, it’s hard to see where the leaks are. The solution is to get an external evaluation from someone experienced in identifying and fixing these issues.

Free Federal Contracting Evaluation

We understand the importance of addressing these problems, which is why we’re offering a free evaluation of your federal contracting strategy. For the next week, our team is dedicating time to assess your strategy and help you plug these metaphorical holes. This is an exclusive, no-cost offer to help you prevent losses and optimize your federal sales.

How to Redeem Your Free Evaluation

  1. Reply to this email with:
    • Your SAM UEI number
    • Your name, job title, company, website, and phone number

Our team will review your details and get back to you within a week with a comprehensive evaluation of your federal contracting strategy.

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GSA Focus is the full-service GSA Contract solution for small businesses. Our comprehensive, full-service approach is paired with an affordable price to offer the very best option to get your GSA Schedule.

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