“Our revenue grew $26.8M in 4 years on the GSA Schedule Program” – Ted M.

GSA IT Schedule 70 Contracts are Obtainable for the Everyday Business Owner

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GSA IT Schedule 70 Contracts can seem like an unobtainable pipedream for small business owners. Sometimes it seems impossible for entrepreneurs to compete with corporations and other well-funded, highly visible organizations.

Fortunately, GSA IT Schedule 70 Contracts are achievable to everyday business owners. In fact, small businesses supply over 80 percent of Schedule 70 contracts. Therefore, a small business with big aspirations and the ability to get the job done is exactly what GSA IT Schedule 70 Contracts are made for. 

Here is an overview of how your company can apply for, acquire, and benefit from a GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract:

What is a GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract?

A GSA  IT Schedule 70 Contract is defined as a governmentwide, indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity, Multiple-Award Schedule contract. This contract is specifically designed for offering Information Technology (IT) products & services to the federal government .

What does all that mean in layman’s terms? 

Governmentwide means that a GSA contract is an agreement that spans across the government body. This gives your company the ability to work with FEMA, DOD, DHS, and any other federal agency that needs your assistance. 

Indefinite-delivery, Indefinite-quantity means the contract is essentially, open-ended. This secures a company’s work and revenue indefinitely, as long as they do a good job. However, that does not mean your company is indefinitely indebted to the government contract. Most contracts have a baseline of 5 years, with three 5-year optional periods. Nevertheless, this status is considered Evergreen.

Multiple-Award Schedule is the portion that enables many businesses throughout the US to obtain a portion of what is ultimately a $45 billion dollar contract. A Multiple-Award Schedule allows the government to hire many different businesses within the same industry, for different projects. That way, there is always a selection of businesses available whenever a project arises throughout the span of federal agencies.

However, just because you receive a GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract does not mean that you will automatically receive a job.

Rather the use of the GSA’s IT Schedule 70 is a dual benefit, both to customers who have yet to procure a GSA contract and to acquire jobs after receiving a GSA IT Schedule 70 status. 

Benefits of GSA’s IT Schedule 70 During the Application Process

Businesses that are hoping to earn a GSA IT Schedule 70 status can use the information available through the GSA’s suite of e-Tools to optimize the planning, and procurement process. Some of the main sources of information can facilitate market research and prepare you for working with the GSA. 

The GSA offers informational resources that come straight from the source to which you will be applying. Here are a few bits of information that GSA IT Schedule 70 provides to help you through the application process:

Step-By-Step Information: You will receive step-by-step information regarding the process of applying. This will include helpful links, document preparation, marketing tips (because you will be selling your services to the government and they tend to be picky), as well as pre and post-award expectations.

GSA Training Conference: Whether you are interested in learning online or meeting face-to-face the GSA Training Conference includes over 200 classes in acquisitions, project management, sustainability, and technology. 

Leveraging the GSA Schedule 70: This includes an introduction to GSA eBuy, helping you provide a competitive price point, and giving you a sneak peek into the GSA Advantage.


Benefits of GSA’s IT Schedule 70 Once Accepted:

Once your company is approved and awarded the GSA IT Schedule 70 contract, it is time to get down to the nitty-gritty. To get jobs and be productive, getting your rightfully-earned piece of the GSA contract pie, you are going to have to delve deep into what the GSA IT Schedule 70 really has to offer. 

The GSA IT Schedule 70 offers a suite of specialized references and tools to assist you in your awarded status journey. However, the three main tools you are going to need to focus on are GSA eBuy, GSA Advantage, and the GSA Schedule Prices.

GSA EbuyGSA eBuy: GSA eBuy is an electronic Request for Quote (RFQ) system that allows government buyers to request information, bids, and proposals for their projects. GSA eBuy is run by the General Services Administration (GSA). The system is used to simplify and mainstream the process of getting the right contractor for the job. Essentially, it is a job-board that is exclusively available to contractors with a GSA Contract.

GSA Advantage: GSA Advantage is a catalog of products, which awarded companies can update with their products and services for federal buyers. This is a real-time catalog that showcases the best of what each awarded company has to offer. 

GSA Schedule Prices: The government, like any private, commercial, or personal buyer wants to get the most out of their money. Therefore, an essential step in landing a government project is to offer the right price-point. Now, you don’t want to go below market-value, just as much as you don’t want to inflate your price. Instead, you want to use commercial sales, cost build-up and the current GSA Schedule contract. 

Fortunately, the majority of the price-point should come from your business practices. The only significant fluctuation would come with the market demands of the GSA Schedule contract. However, it is not much different than a fluctuating commercial market.

Of course, there are also specialized GSA Conferences that will aid you in your connections and search. Yet, the three tools mentioned above are truly going to be your bread and butter when it comes to acquiring a life-changing, status-catapulting number of jobs from the GSA IT Schedule 70. 

In summation, if you utilize all of the pre and post resources available through GSA’s IT Schedule 70, you will have the best shot at achieving and succeeding through this highly-sought-after, prominent, and profitable government contracting system.


Through the GSA IT Schedule 70 contract program, the everyday business owner will benefit from pre and post-award information, and a suite of tools such as the GSA eBuy, GSA Advantage, and GSA eLibrary. Plus, they will have direct access to GSA Focus as an ongoing source of support for Compliance and marketing your GSA Contract.

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