“Our revenue grew $26.8M in 4 years on the GSA Schedule Program” – Ted M.

GSA Advantage Gov: 50+ Outstanding Entities You Can Sell To

GSA Advantage Gov

The GSA Advantage Gov Schedule is a long-term, government-wide contract with commercial businesses or companies that provides nearly 11 million commercial supplies, products, and services at competitive prices to state, federal agencies, and other eligible entities.

One of the advantages of having GSA Advantage Gov Schedule Contracts is that it simplifies the buying and selling procedure, benefiting buyers and sellers alike. GSA Schedule Contracts, in particular, save the buying agency time and money. Moreover, GSA Schedule Contracts provide direct contact to the government contracting community for sellers.

With that, the question remains: To whom GSA Schedule contract holders can sell with their GSA Schedule contract?


In Chapter 6 of GSA’s Order ADM 5450.39D, the Office of Acquisition Policy (OAP) has assigned the ability to make eligibility judgments for entities to use GSA sources of supply and services in line with GSA Order OGP 4800.2I.


Thus, GSA’s OAP must determine whether entities are eligible in compliance with applicable statutes, regulations, and GSA Order OGP 4800.2I. Furthermore, the GSA sources that an entity has access to get determined by the entity’s category and underlying authorization.


With that, here are some of the entities authorized to purchase from the GSA Federal Supply Schedules, primarily through the GSA Advantage Gov.


● Executive Agencies

● Establishments in the Legislative or Judicial Branch

● Executive Departments

● Independent Establishments in the Executive Branch

● The Senate

● The House of Representatives

● Activities Under the Direction of the Architect of the Capitol

● Wholly Owned Government Corporations

● Mixed-Ownership Government Corporations

● District of Columbia


Furthermore, the following are the organizations authorized under the Authority of 40 U.S.C. 501-502:


● Cost-reimbursement contractors (and sub-contractors) as properly authorized

● Fixed-price contractors (and sub-contractors) purchasing security equipment

● Cost-reimbursement or fixed price contractors of GSA Fleet vehicles and related services

● Non-Federal firefighting organizations cooperating with the Department of Agriculture, Forest Service

● Tribes and Tribal Organizations


Still, further, the following are Qualified Nonprofit Agencies for the Blind or Other Severely Handicapped.


Purchases under the GSA Federal Supply Schedule may be undertaken by qualified nonprofit organizations for the blind or other seriously handicapped for use in creating or providing an approved product or service to the government. Non Profit organizations that are qualified are those that:


● Are established under the laws of the United States or any State, run for the benefit of blind people or other seriously handicapped people, and whose net income does not inure to the advantage of any shareholder or other individual in whole or in part,

● Conform with any applicable Secretary of Labor-mandated occupational health and safety requirement, and;

● Are engaged in producing products and delivering services, whether or not the products or services bought under this Act, for at least 75 percent of the working hours of direct labor necessary to manufacture or supply the products or services throughout the fiscal year.


Aside from the entities mentioned above, here are Other Organizations eligible to purchase from the GSA Advantage Gov Federal Supply Schedules, primarily through the GSA Advantage gov:


● Entities Authorized Under the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) – for civilian use only.

● Military Commissaries & Non-Appropriated Fund Activities – unless otherwise allowed by the individual Federal agency and agreed upon by GSA, only for personal use.

● Certain Institutions:

○ Howard University

○ Gallaudet University

○ National Technical Institute for the Deaf

○ American Printing House for the Blind

● Governments Authorized Under 48 U.S.C. 1469e, which includes the governments of:

○ American Samoa

○ Guam

○ Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

○ U.S. Virgin Islands


The General Services Administration Acquisition Manual (GSAM), 538.7001 Definitions, outlines the classifications of eligible state and local government agencies, some of which include the following:


● The 50 United States

● Governments of Tribes

● Under the United States Housing Act of 1937, public authorities, such as public or Indian housing agencies, are required to provide housing.

● Any preceding entity’s agency or “instrumentality,” such as a local educational agency or a higher education institution.

● Legislative and Judicial Department


Although the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contract vehicle’s designs were for federal agencies, there are several systems in place that allow state and local governments to use it, such as the following:


Cooperative Purchasing

State and local governments can use cooperative purchasing to make purchases under particular GSA Special Item Numbers (SINs), mostly in the IT and Security categories. Cooperative Purchasing is noteworthy because it enables state and local governments to purchase products and services under any eligible SIN at any time and for any purpose.

Disaster Recovery Purchasing

Through Disaster Recovery Purchasing, State and local governments can acquire items under any GSA MAS Category or SIN to help them prepare for or recover from disasters. This option encompasses presidential declarations of significant disasters, as well as nuclear, biological, chemical, radiological, or terrorist strikes.

1122 Program

The 1122 Program enables state and local government entities to purchase specialized equipment under specialized GSA Categories for counter-drug operations.

Public Health Emergencies

When using Federal grant funds in response to Public Health Emergencies declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, state and local governments can make purchases under any GSA MAS Category.

List of the Buyer Organizations

GSA Advantage Gov is an online shopping and purchasing system that connects federal purchasers with tens of thousands of qualified contractors and millions of GSA-compliant products and services. GSA Advantage Gov is the most popular resource for GSA Schedule Contract holders to market their products, supplies, and services to federal agencies and other qualifying organizations.

Under some conditions, state and municipal governments get entitled to purchase through the GSA Schedules.

With that, here are some of the numerous buyer organizations authorized to make purchases through the GSA Advantage! with a GSA Schedule Contract.

The following are some Eligible Executive Agencies:

● Agency for International Development

● Bureau of Land Management

● Commission on Civil Rights

● Department of Defense

● Environmental Protection Agency

Furthermore, here are some Eligible International Organizations:

● African Development Fund

● American Red Cross

● International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (WORLD BANK)

● International Monetary Fund

● United Nations



A GSA Schedule Contract gives state, federal, and local governments direct connections to over 11 million commercial supplies, products, and services at competitive prices through the GSA Advantage.


Obtaining a GSA Schedule Contract is a difficult task, so GSA compliance is essential. A concrete technique to take care of a GSA Schedule Contract is to be aware of and adhere only to the entities and organizations qualified for GSA purchases.


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