“Our revenue grew $26.8M in 4 years on the GSA Schedule Program” – Ted M.

Changes to GSA eBuy Login are coming

GSA Ebuy

You likely received an email from the GSA recently outlining some major changes to how you will login to GSA eBuy, as well as other GSA site areas. Everything you need to know was provided in that message, and if you have any troubles or questions, we recommend you reach out to the Vendor Support (found at the bottom).

Here is the message:

IMPORTANT information regarding Contractor Login to GSA eBuy

In order to comply with the mandates of the CyberSecurity National Action Plan, in October 2020 GSA will begin requiring Contractors to login to GSA eBuy using a GSA FAS ID.

What is a GSA FAS ID?
GSA FAS ID is a secure, centralized identity management system created by the General Services Administration (GSA) that allows access to many GSA applications using the same email and password. The GSA FAS ID uses multi-factor authentication that meets the National Institute of Standards of Technology requirements for secure validation and authentication.

How is the eBuy login changing?
Upon implementation of the GSA FAS ID on eBuy, contractors will no longer login using the contract number and password provided by the Vendor Support Center (VSC). Instead, each Point of Contact (POC) for a contract will need to login using a GSA FAS ID email and password.

What will happen on implementation of GSA FAS ID in eBuy?
All individuals listed as a POC in eBuy the day of the GSA FAS ID implementation will automatically receive one of the following two emails:

  1. I already have a GSA FAS ID – users that already have a GSA FAS ID will receive an email informing you to use your GSA FAS ID to login to GSA eBuy.
  2. I do not have a GSA FAS ID – users that DO NOT have a GSA FAS ID will receive an email with instructions on how to register and activate their new GSA FAS ID for use on eBuy.

Logging into eBuy

  1. From the GSA eBuy login page (https://www.ebuy.gsa.gov/), select Contractor from the top right of the page.
  2. Enter your GSA FAS ID email address and password.
  3. Depending on the verification code method you have chosen, follow the instructions to have the code sent to you.
  4. Enter the verification code provided. Please note that your verification code is only valid for 30 minutes.

Who will have access to GSA eBuy?
After the implementation of the GSA FAS ID on eBuy, only those individuals who are listed as a Point of Contact (POC) under a Special Item Number (SIN) will have access to GSA eBuy. POCs are recorded and managed under the Profile section in eBuy. If you are not listed as a POC under a contract, even if you have a valid GSA FAS ID, you will not be able to login to eBuy.

How do I become a POC for a contract and get access to eBuy?
If you do not have access to eBuy, and would like to be listed as a POC for a contract, you will need to talk to individuals in your company who have access to eBuy and request that they add you as a POC under a SIN in the eBuy Profile. After being added as POC in the eBuy Profile, you will receive an email instructing you how to register and activate your GSA FAS ID.

Please be advised that GSA can not add POCs to a contract, it is the responsibility of each contractor to manage who has access to GSA eBuy.

What GSA applications are currently using the GSA FAS ID?
The GSA FAS ID is currently used with the following applications:

  • GSA Advantage Purchase Order Portal
  • Sales Reporting Portal (SRP)
  • Mass Mod Portal
  • GSA Vendor Portal
  • Note – eOffer and eMod are being added in FY 2021

What if I change my GSA FAS ID information?
If you change your email or password while in one of the applications using GSA FAS ID, it will update your GSA FAS ID account and apply to all GSA FAS ID Applications that you access.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Vendor Support Center at (877) 495-4849 or vendor.support@gsa.gov

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