“Our revenue grew $26.8M in 4 years on the GSA Schedule Program” – Ted M.

All About the GSA Information Technology Category going into FY 2021

gsa schedule services

About the IT Category of MAS

The Information Technology, also known as IT, category of the MAS program offers a variety of services such as Information Technology services, Hardware, software, and other IT offerings. It was initially known as IT Schedule 70, and it continues to reign as the largest of the government contracts.

IT Schedule 70 has been GSA’s most significant moneymaker for decades. Schedule 70 has accounted for over half of the sales going through GSA’s contract program, and these numbers have been consistent throughout all its years in service.

Schedule 70 is a MAS contract under the GSA Program. The type of arrangement is an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity, also known as the IDIQ. This identification means that there are no orders or dollars attached to it.

As the leading procurement vehicle for all IT products, software, and professional services, the IT category of the MAS program provides a huge opportunity for any IT-related businesses.

Why get a GSA Schedule 70 Contract?

When it comes to getting a GSA Schedule 70 Contract, you may wonder why you should get one in the first place and even if you can get one. If you are someone who sells software, IT products, or professional services, you might want to pick yourself up a GSA IT Schedule 70 contract.

It will help your company grow, and help develop your Federal Business prospects. When it comes to sales and competition, schedule 70 is the largest in the GSA Schedules Program. Schedule 70’s average annual revenue is $3.1 million, making it the top-grossing within the program.

Originally schedule 70 was meant to be used to sell to buyers on the federal level. However, recent changes allowed State, Municipal, and local government agencies to purchase through these contracts as well using the Cooperative Purchasing and Disaster Recovery programs. Aside from that, the federal government will mainly use the GSA IT Schedule 70 since it provides a simplified source for IT purchases. Schedule 70 brings many federal buyers joy because it helps them save both time and money.

Top Schedule 70 SIN’s

When it comes to the GSA Schedule 70, it has four primary SINs, which are Special Item Numbers.

54151S: Professional IT Services

Professional IT Services, formally known as SIN 132-51, includes resources and facilities management, database designing, and planning. It also includes systems analysis, system design, programming, conversion, and support, among other services.

Some of the 54151S sub-categories include desktop management, IT security, CAD/CAM Services, IT Network Management services, and Programing services.

33411 & 33411REF: IT Hardware

Formally known as SIN’s 132-8 & 132-9, 33411 is for the Purchase of New IT Equipment, and 33411REF is the purchase of Refurbished Equipment. Both types of equipment are available under Schedule 70. There are a variety of categories of IT products that federal buyers can purchase through these two SINs. Some of these can include cameras, desktops, Display monitors, boards, IT support equipment, Drivers/Storage devices, equipment for physical challenges, Printers, security equipment, and various other IT products, new and used.

511210 & 54151: Software and Maintenance

Previously known as SIN’s 132-32, 132-33 & 132-34

SIN 511210, which is Term & Perpetual Software Licenses and SIN 54151, which is Maintenance of Software as a service, makes up the SIN for all software-related services and products. There is a wide range of Software applications listed under these SINs.

Here are only some of what these SINs include:

  • Operating system software
  • Internet software
  • Database management programs
  • Bug/defect fixes via patches
  • Updates/upgrades
  • Hearing aid software
  • Chat rooms

All other SIN categories

CYBER SINs (54151HACS) / Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS)

These categories include Penetration Testing, Incident Response, Cyber hunt activities, Risk, and vulnerability Assessments. These categories are defined as:

Penetration Testing: Security testing that mimics real-world attacks to develop methods to protect and enhance the security features of an application, system, or network.

Incident Response Services: Helps organizations impacted by a Cybersecurity threat to determine the extent of the incident.

Cyber Hunt: Activities that respond to a crisis or an urgent situation. They help mitigate immediate and potential threats.

Risk and Vulnerability Assessments or RVA: Conducts assessments of specific threats and vulnerabilities, then determine deviations from acceptable configurations, enterprise, or local policy. 

Specialty Services SINs

Specialty Service SINs include the following:

  • Cloud Computing Services
  • Health Information Technology Services
  • Training Courses
  • Electronic Commerce and Subscription Services
  • Wireless Services
  • Earth Observation Solutions
  • Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation Tools
  • COMSATCOM Services 

Moreover, in 2017, here is how much Federal spending went to each major Schedule 70 SIN:

Professional Services: $7 Billion

Software: $4.2 Billion

Hardware: $960.2 Million

All Other SINs: $1.9 Billion

How to Get a GSA Schedule 70 Contract

Of course, after seeing those numbers, you likely want to score a GSA Schedule 70 Contract more than ever. However, it is not an easy feat. It is an attainable goal for many businesses, but it is also a complicated and tedious process. Each step requires experience and careful thought to get the best results.

Here are the four stages of obtaining a GSA Schedule 70 Contract:

  • Document Preparation: This step involves preparing the GSA offer, which is around 30 documents that require specific arrangements set forth by the GSA.
  • GSA Review and Clarifications: A Contract Specialist within the Schedule 70 department will be assigned to review your package. They will reach out and help clarify or help with the requirements.
  • Negotiations and Award: This step involves the negotiations of all discounts, terms, and conditions.
  • Post Award: Once everything is uploaded, this step will assure that buyers can find you, and your access to GSA eBuy is unlocked. This step will either make or break you. You can prepare a Federal Marketing Plan, which will push your Business Development efforts and help fine-tune your proposal writing skills.

Disaster Recovery Program

Since 2007, the Disaster Purchasing Program has allowed the state, local and tribal governments to purchase from all GSA schedules. These entities can utilize GSAAdvantage, GSAeBuy, and the GSA Reverse Auctions platform under Disaster Purchasing.

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