“Our revenue grew $26.8M in 4 years on the GSA Schedule Program” – Ted M.

Are you an Effective Time Manager?


We are constantly striving to improve the effectiveness and the speed of our GSA Contract services. In order to be great at preparing GSA Schedules for my clients, I must be an effective time manager.

Recently, I came across a tool that helps to unearth improvement centers in the area of Time Management. When you know how to manage your time you gain control. Rather than busily working here, there, and everywhere (and not getting much done anywhere), effective time management helps you to choose what to work on and when.

The MindTools interactive Time Management Quiz will help you identify the aspects of time management that you need most help with. The results will point you to the specific tools you need to use to gain control of your time, and start working efficiently.

How Good is Your Time Management?

The quiz will take your answers and rank you on 5 core Time Management categories: Goal Setting, Prioritization, Managing Interruptions, Procrastination and Scheduling. Whether you are in a large company or an entrepreneur, this quiz will give you a brutally honest assessment, and some tips on how to overcome your shortfalls in the area of Time Management.


Image: digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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GSA Focus is the full-service GSA Contract solution for small businesses. Our comprehensive, full-service approach is paired with an affordable price to offer the very best option to get your GSA Schedule.

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