“GSA Focus added us $26.8M in revenue over 4 years” – Ted M., Cask

GSA PreScreen Tool

Products & Services have different criteria
for PreQualifying for a GSA Contract.

Please select the best category for your business and
complete the form on the next page

Do you Qualify for a GSA Schedule?

It only takes a few minutes of research to discover the value a GSA Contract can bring.

Access to exclusive federal opportunities have grown many Small Businesses into multi-million dollar companies. Sometimes even overnight.

But, how do you know if your Company qualifies for the program? The free PreScreen Tool below will answer this question for you in a matter of minutes.

Schedule a Free Consultation

If you qualify for a GSA Contract, or you have some questions, schedule a call to speak to a GSA expert to discuss the next steps.

Download the Resource Pack

Hopefully, you now have a good handle on if your Company qualifies for the program?

Another Resource: Prospective Schedule Contractors – Are Schedules a Good Fit for Me?

Download the Resource Pack

About GSA Focus

We FOCUS on GSA Contract Services! This allows us to offer the best services at an affordable price. We make the GSA Schedule process easy for you!

Before you leave...

You’re busy, I’m busy. Get it. And GSA can be overwhelming.

How about this? Enter your email and in 24h I’ll send you a gentle reminder to look into GSAFocus again.

Oh. And I’ll send you our FREE GSA HANDBOOK… so you can get a move on with GSA ASAP.